The Python Standard Library contains a module that provides an SQL interface with the DB-API 2.0 specification: sqlite3. It requires SQLite 3.7.15 or newer.

First, import the sqlite3 module:

import sqlite3

Then, connect to the SQLite database file and create a cursor:

db = "example.db"
con = sqlite3.connect(db)
cur = con.cursor()

To get the list of all the tables in the database:

tables = cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_schema WHERE type='table'").fetchall()

To get a single table name:

tables = cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_schema WHERE type='table'").fetchall()
if len(tables) != 1: # length can be 0 (no table) or >1 (more than one table)
    if len(tables) == 0:
        raise ValueError(f"The database {db} contains no table.")
        raise ValueError(f"The database {db} contains more than one table: {[table[0] for table in tables]}.")
table_name = tables[0][0]

If we are sure there is only a single table:

table_name = cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_schema WHERE type='table'").fetchone()[0]

To iterate over the rows of the table table_name:

cur.row_factory = sqlite3.Row

for row in cur.execute(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name}"):
{'date': '2006-01-05', 'trans': 'BUY', 'symbol': 'RHAT', 'qty': 100.0, 'price': 35.14}
{'date': '2006-03-28', 'trans': 'BUY', 'symbol': 'IBM', 'qty': 1000.0, 'price': 45.0}
{'date': '2006-04-06', 'trans': 'SELL', 'symbol': 'IBM', 'qty': 500.0, 'price': 53.0}
{'date': '2006-04-05', 'trans': 'BUY', 'symbol': 'MSFT', 'qty': 1000.0, 'price': 72.0}

At the end, close the connection:
